To all foreigners who come or intent to come to Saigon to have business in short and medium period of time. Looking for a good serviced apartment for rent in HCMC is the priority work and should be noticed at very high level. The reason for that is there are many types of serviced apartment for rent in HCMC and can make you confused because of its variety. Serviced apartments for rent in HCMC are divided into many type and different in decoration and style, price, extra services. Therefore, you should read some useful information and tips, from the biggest to the smallest thing, in order to get an good and make you comfort with your decision. Probable it will be your second home!
1. A friend is better than a real estate agency
Many foreigners need apartment for rent hence many real estate agency in HCMC are working to help foreigners get many vacant apartment in HCMC.Foreigners demands increase by time. The purpose of real estate agency focuses on the profit from the market rather than the purposes that brings to the customers a truly living spaces. Our advice is choosing a friend or a mutual friends helps you. Or at least, you should choose the real estate agencies have friendship mindset. With people go along you with heart and kindness, nothing can compare. And after you already have a good serviced apartment for rent in HCMC, you also have a friend who openly to help you in case you need a help or in case you take the phone and don’t know who is the one you should press the button to call.
Be wise in choosing place to live
2. Breathe out and try your finding online skills.
Google is the fastest machine all over the world! Try it with some common keywords: condo for rent in Saigon, apt for rent in HCMC, apartment for rent in HCMC, apartment for rent in Saigon, serviced apartment for rent for Japanese, etc to get some general information about renting market. The results in the first page usually are the best choices for you. But, following our experience, result is just a result and advices from friend and colleague is precious than gold. But information from internet can somehow help you in reality.
3. A piece of information, a piece of advantage.
Some owners of serviced apartment for rent in HCMC only care about their number of profit per month. Every term in the contract can be a reason for you to pay more than the first number. Usually the real estate agencies know these tricky terms. So you want to be protected, call the real estate agencies. Again and again, follow our experiences, find a friend in a real estate agencies or a friendly agency. The value you get is beyond a service.
4. A good contract is better than a good serviced apartment for rent
In the signing contract process, let your friend in real estate agency help you because at that moment you pay nothing and all of your rights are protected.As a market law, realtors in Vietnam receive money from the owner not from customers. For not knowing this law, foreigners feel a little bit shy of confused when they call us. And from the help of a truly good realtors, some term seems to be small such as parking, when you have no concern to it, you may pay 200 dollars per month.
5. Good serviced apartment for rent include good living environment
In HCMC, serviced apartment for rent serve many different people with different nationality so decoration and style are different. One room can be a good choice for Japanese but a normal choice with the Indian. When you take a tour a round serviced apartment for rent, take notice to the decoration and the brand of furniture. In the serviced apartment for rent with the same quality with your in hometown, you may get acquaintance with a new life quickly and hardly get homesick. It shall your second home in Vietnam. The people live next your door is also important. They are the people help you in emergency case. The environment around you can affect your happiness in life. Therefore, neighborhood isan important thing you should ask the owner of serviced apartment for rent. Next step, look for the bigger environment, about something like supermarket and food inn. Let’s imagine some day you arrive home after work too late, no food in refrigerator, no boiling water for instant noodle and the only choice is looking for street food at night and much traditional food like your country are there. How great is food taste! Serviced apartment for rent in HCMC located by street and area. There are an area for Japanese, Korean, Australian, American and European.Living in that area, every morning you can enjoy a cup of coffee and listen to the tone of your mother language from every where!
Environment include many things around you place
In conclusion, choosing a good serviced apartment for rent in HCMC is the answer for you happiness in life. Take your time, follow our advices, find a good friend, choose a right one. When you can do that, you will receive the truly value-a truly happiness as the last target of many people.
House in Saigon - be home, safe stay!
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